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Cruise Ban Extended in Australia, Canada


Australia has extended its ban on foreign cruise ships through mid-June 2021. The ban was originally imposed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The extension was announced by the Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, on February 16, 2021.

The ban applies to all foreign cruise ships, regardless of their size or destination. It does not apply to domestic cruise ships that operate within Australian waters.

The ban has been criticized by the cruise industry, which says it will have a devastating impact on the industry. The Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) estimates that the ban will cost the Australian economy $1 billion in lost revenue.

The Australian government says the ban is necessary to protect the health and safety of the Australian people. The government has pointed to the recent outbreak of COVID-19 on the Ruby Princess cruise ship as evidence of the risks posed by cruise ships.


Canada has also banned foreign cruise ships through mid-June 2021. The ban was announced by the Minister of Transport, Marc Garneau, on February 19, 2021.

The ban applies to all foreign cruise ships that carry more than 100 passengers. It does not apply to domestic cruise ships that operate within Canadian waters.

The ban has been criticized by the cruise industry, which says it will have a devastating impact on the industry. The CLIA estimates that the ban will cost the Canadian economy $1 billion in lost revenue.

The Canadian government says the ban is necessary to protect the health and safety of the Canadian people. The government has pointed to the recent outbreak of COVID-19 on the Grand Princess cruise ship as evidence of the risks posed by cruise ships.
